“When sun rises–every day it seems–
as if it was a horrible dream that i v been going through,
& then a smile comes on my face that we can never b apart.
But the running needles make me realize,
that I’m de actual murderer of my dreams,
who has shattered the glass in a way it can never be adhere
& its no more than ashes now.
Surrounded with the engraved souvenirs,
and this guilt s sucking me as if devil enjoys it,
all my lashes v fallen-as if all sprinkled with autumn.
Heart aches as if frail is cursing to cease,
but eyes r still young, so their hopes can’t be fetched up.
& Soul screams under the burden of remorse,
Now when I’ve to bugle out again,
then hop to rack on soul’s expectations,
This is how my days are dicing,
and with sleep of light ,
a wish pops-up in my eyes.
That may I would be blessing with some eternal day,
when thy hands would close my eyes,
and the witches of my fate will flee away”!!!